

What Are Toxins?

The Merriam-Webster toxin definition states:

“A toxin is a poisonous substance that is a specific product of the metabolic activities of a living organism and is usually very unstable, notably toxic when introduced into the tissues and typically capable of inducing antibody formation.”


Simply put, toxins are harmful substances produced internally in the human body as a by product of our metabolic processes and normal bodily function. Toxins can also be produced externally through the pollution of air, food and water sources, radiation, chemical and biological organisms that comes into contact with the human body.

Toxins are not a cause of concern when it can be efficiently eliminated by an efficient immune system and detoxification organs. However, when we are unable to eliminate toxins and they accumulate continuously in the body, like a barrel it will eventually overflow and result in a compromised immune system. An impaired immune system can cause many health issues including chronic diseases to develop over time.


So Where Do
We Get Toxins From?

Today’s world is more toxic than previous generations. We are exposed to toxic stressors in some form or another on a daily basis. This exposure can overload our immune system and detoxification organs, causing them to be less efficient.



These toxic stressors can come from:-



01. Chemical Additives in Food

Preservatives, colouring agents, taste intensifiers, emulsifiers are common chemical additives added into food to prolong shelf life and to make food more appealing and tasty. MSG, Tartrazine colouring in snacks, meats; Butylated hydroxy toluene (BHT) found in bread, cereals, grain products to preserve their colour, odour, flavour are common additives that causes allergic reactions. Sulfites added into fresh fruits, vegetables, fresh shrimps, wines, dried fruits to retain their colour and freshness, have been known to cause allergic reactions such as itching, skin rash, abdominal discomfort, chest tightness, hives, stomach cramps, diarrhea and breathing problems.



02. Pesticides from Fruits & Vegetables

Pesticide residues on fruits and vegetables belong to a category of toxins that include herbicides, insecticides, fungicides and even antibiotics such as streptomycin and penicillin that stops rot and spoilage from bacteria, algae, mould and fungi. While soaking and washing of fruits and vegetables removes some of these toxins, toxic residue can remain intact and can cause allergic reactions such as hives, skin rash and itch around mouth when ingested or when it comes into contact with skin.



03. Radiation Stress from Electrical Devices

It is a well known scientific fact that any electrical wiring and device that is switched on or connected will generate an electromagnetic field. This form of radiation is known as geopathy, is a form of stress that can adversely effect the function of healthy cells and interferes with the normal metabolism and function of the human body. Radiation or electromagnetic smog can come from microwave, radio frequencies, use of mobile, wi-fi exposure, laptops, tv, electric radio clocks that is constantly around us. It is all pervasive and have become an acceptable norm in our daily life as we are constantly being exposed to all forms of radiation from the time we are awake in the morning to the time we retired at night. In bio-resonance therapy, geopathy stress is often an obstacle to healing and an important program that is frequently administered to aid the body’s own healing process.   



04. Overuse of Antibiotics in Livestock

Antibiotics including use of growth hormones in livestock is prevalent and used mainly to enhance growth, as disease prevention and to control common disease in livestock. Antibiotics have an adverse effect on the micro-bacteria in the gut flora as it kills off the good bacteria that is important for digestion and absorption of nutrients. The gut is also the heart of our immune system and an imbalance of the plethora of micro-bacteria in the gut has been known to be the cause of many illnesses such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), constipation, candida or yeast infections.


05. Drinking Unfiltered Water

Unfiltered water, especially in developing countries can often contain traces of heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, mercury, chromium which are extremely toxic to the human body, even in small quantities. Excess amount of any particular heavy metal produces cellular and tissue damage leading to a variety of adverse effects and human diseases. Even in very low quantities, lead, cadmium, chromium, mercury, and arsenic are known to induce cardiovascular diseases, developmental abnormalities, neurological and behaviourial disorders, diabetes, hearing loss, hematology and immunology disorders. These heavy metals are also classified as human carcinogens (known or probable) according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the International Agency for Research on Cancer.



06. Exposure to Viruses & Bacteria

When our immune system comes into contact with bacteria and/or viruses, it produces an anti inflammatory response to defend itself. Depending on the strength of our immunity, we either need external help in the form of medication to overcome the bacteria or in the case of viruses, we may develop antibodies against them. However, viruses and bacteria, like all living organisms leave residual by product toxins as part of its metabolic processes in our bodies. These neuro toxins can cause many health issues as they often cause the immune system to be in a constant state of inflammation. The heightened release of cortisol, histamines and other chemical changes that interferes with the normal functioning of a healthy immune system long term can lead to chronic diseases. Once we are exposed to viruses or bacteria, they become dormant when the immune system is strong but they lurk opportunistically only to resurface when the body is unable to cope with the toxic load or when the immune system is compromised.



The Barrel Effect

Imagine your body is this barrel. When the barrel is full, it is akin to toxic overload to your system. When you system is overloaded, it can cause stress to your organs and your immune system, leading to various health problems.


Wave-particle duality

Discoveries made in quantum physics have revealed that all particles of matter share the characteristics of both waves and particles. This means that all substances – and therefore all cells, parts of the body, as well as viruses, bacteria, pollen, toxins, etc. – emit electromagnetic waves. Depending upon their nature, all substances have a quite specific typical wavelength or frequency with highly individual characteristics. This is known as a frequency pattern.


Cells communicate with one another

Our body can function and regulate itself because communication and exchange of information takes place between the various cells in the body. Research into biophotons is based on the assumption that cells communicate with one another by means of “flashes of light” (photon radiation). They exchange information over certain frequencies.

This information exchange functions are unhindered in healthy bodies. As a result, each cell and each part of the body is able to do its job.


Disrupted cell communication may result in organic changes

Where communication between cells is impaired, this will prevent those cells from functioning properly and we see evidence of this to varying degrees in the form of non-specific disturbances in general well-being, multiple allergies, chronic fatigue etc…


Determining individual stresses accurately

The body’s extracellular fluid is not just the cells’ culture medium. It also serves as a “special rubbish dump” for harmful substances if the eliminating organs such as the liver/gallbladder, kidneys, intestines, etc. are overloaded. Since water is also an excellent store of information, information from harmful substances is also stored here. However, this area is not easily accessible to laboratory procedures. These stresses can usually be tested very quickly and painlessly at the biophysical level. The MORA device offers a valuable tool in this respect. In many cases it is possible to discover which stresses may cause health problems in the patient (e.g. bacteria, viruses, electronic smog, dental materials, allergens, etc.).



Understanding Toxic Stressors

Toxins & Us


While our body has miraculous capabilities to heal itself, these toxic stressors can overload our immune system and impede its function, leading to: 












Chronic illnesses may result from long term accumulation of toxins.

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