How Bioresonance Therapy Can Help You?




Bioresonance therapy can

Detect and mitigate the effect of toxic stressors in your body.

Bioresonance therapy can detect and mitigate the effect of toxic stressors in your body. It works by inverting the frequencies of these toxic stressors, much like how noise-cancelling headphones work. Once the “noises” from the stressors are cancelled out, your cells will be able to communicate naturally with each other again. This will help restore your body’s self-healing ability.  


Within the MORA treatment modules, we incorporate the frequency programmes of complementary healing modules such as Bach Flower, binaural beats and colour therapy that enhances your healing. Many of our clients have benefited from the combined and integrative modules we used in our treatment. For example, Bach Flower remedies used in conjunction with binaural beats programmes have been highly effective in helping clients with insomnia while our colour therapy used with MORA’s organ frequency programmes can reduce inflammatory flares commonly experienced by eczema clients.

With the MORA bioreseocnance machine, we can also determine if your food supplements are beneficial for you or if they are not needed by your body. Similarly, we may recommend you to take up supplements to aid your healing progress based on our analysis.


Our Therapy Programme

How Do We Do It?



Our bioresonance device helps us determine the energetic frequencies of your organs. Recommended energy circulation organ programmes may be administered. We will conduct a food intolerance/allergy test using the device. We believe in the saying “You are what you eat”, so eating the wrong foods can also create havoc in your body. Depending on the test results, your therapist may recommend a dietary change.  



Each individual has a unique energetic frequency pattern, so treatment is customized to every client. Your therapist will determine the appropriate therapy programme sequence and complementary programmes for you. This may include diet and nutrition supplementation to address your health concerns.

The treatment with the bio-resonance device is painless, safe, non-invasive and most clients report their experiences as pleasant and relaxing.

The therapy is gentle enough for all ages, from babies to the elderly. The number of treatments needed and cost depends on factors like acute/chronic states, age, nature of complaints, severity, types of intolerance, diet & nutrition, inherent constitution health of patients, etc. 

What can I expect after Bio-Resonance therapy? 

Short term tiredness, thirst, feeling sleepy, headaches, loose stools and skin itching are normal reactions post therapy, as the body undergoes a process of detoxification and rejuvenation.

Drink plenty of water low in mineral content, have adequate rest, avoid alcohol, sugary and processed foods for quicker recovery.


The Treatment Benefits

The therapy amplifies harmonious frequencies back into your body and restores the healthy frequency of your  cells and organs.


How Does Bioresonance Work On Your Body?



Toxins emit specific frequencies that disrupt communication between healthy cells. This hampers the body’s own self-healing mechanism. Coupled with poor nutrition and prolonged stress, it creates an environment for ill-health.



During a bioresonance therapy session, patients hold on to two copper hand rods and place their feet on a foot-plate connected to the bioresonance device. Harmonious frequencies are amplified and disharmonious frequencies are inverted through the hand rods and foot-plate.



Bioresonance technology works by using your body’s own oscillation and amplifying harmonious frequencies, while inverting disharmonious ones, including those emitted by toxins.

When the oscillation is corrected, the treatment is complete. Therapy is pleasant, relaxing and non-invasive. It does not cause any pain or discomfort to the patient. 

How Safe Is Bioresonance Treatment?

What about the side effects?

Bioresonance is a medical technology breakthrough in the 21st century

The fundamental principles of the following hypothesis for bioresonance therapy have been confirmed by the latest discoveries in quantum mechanics and biophysics, but have not yet been accepted by current expert opinion within orthodox medicine.

Bio-resonance uses low electromagnetic frequencies that are safely within the range of earth’s own magnetic field frequencies (0-30 Hz). In fact, our cells and tissues respond well to frequencies between 1-23 Hz. All life forms emits vibration at around 10 Hz and need to be in constant contact with the earth’s magnetic field to remain healthy.  Bioresonance therapy is therefore, safe and is free of side effects. It is safe even for younger children and the elderly. In many developed countries, it is recognized as a medical grade equipment and used as part of an integrative tool for diagnosis and treatment.


Gentle, lasting and safe!

MORA® Bio-resonance machines are certified compliant as per ISO 9001:2008 standards and adhere to the EC safety standards Annex V of Council Directive 93/42/EEC.