Gastrointestinal Problems


Suffering from bowel problems can be very inconvenient. Get help now, with Bioresonance Therapy.

Mr. Tong, 50’s.

I have suffered from IBS for the longest time. I am naturally an anxious person, but the pressure from work had worsened both my anxiety and IBS. Every time I feel anxious or stressed out, I feel the urge to go to the toilet. I have trouble sleeping at night too. My wife had introduced me to Healing Resonance. Other the regular Bioresonance Treatment, the therapist gave a combination of Binaural Beats therapy + Bach Flower essences therapy. These 3 combo therapy was very effective. Only after 3-4 sessions, I experienced massive improvement on my anxiety, IBS and sleep. Even though I’m now symptom free, I have chosen to do monthly treatment to maintain my health. **


Alvina Lee, 34

I have been suffering from terrible bowel problems for more than 2 years. I had pain in the lower abdomen with disturbed bowel movement alternating between diarrhea and constipation.  The pain occurs suddenly, usually triggered by food and relieved by defecation.  Other symptoms include abdominal fullness (bloating) or the feeling of incomplete emptying of the bowel, sometimes with cramps. I was unable to go out for dinners or dates, as I would excuse myself halfway through dinner to run to the toilet. It became a norm for me to have multiple runs to the toilet every single day, after every meal. Having this problem was truly embarrassing.

On my first Bioresonance Therapy, I experienced dizziness during the treatment, and my migraine came back worse the next day, but it only lasted a couple of hours.  Subsequently when my period came, large chunks of blood clots came out. 

I continued to receive treatment, once weekly for several weeks. I’m happy to announce that I’m now symptom free and I’m able to lead a normal life again - to eat anything I want without diarrhea and stomach cramps. I feel more alive than ever, as I’m now able sleep throughout the night without waking. 

And lastly, getting my life back was the most rewarding outcome from Bioresonance Therapy as I can live life the way I want, without the embarrassing problem! **

Theresa Lim, 65

*This is her personal note to our therapist (Published with her permission)

Dear Ms Jovie,
Words could not express my heartfelt gratitude and sincere thanks to you for helping me with my abdominals pains. Five weeks ago, I came to you with severe abdominal pains, unable to take certain food due to food intolerance. With your care, patience and treatment, I feel my stomach gets stronger each day with little pain. You also helped with my shoulder pain although it wasn't easy. Thank you so much and may God bless you in your work. **
Forever Grateful,
Theresa Lim


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