
** These are the experiences of individuals, your results may vary.


Suffering from blocked, drippy or sensitive nose? Having sinusitis can make you feel like you are perpetually sick, but you are not. Hear from our clients below on how Bioresonance Therapy helped them breathe easy again.

Tess Tan, 24 Years old

Runny nose runs in my family. So I thought this is my fate, and it is something I’ll have to live with for the rest of my, like the rest of my family members. Things took a turn when a friend encouraged me to try Bioresonance Therapy. The therapist gave me some homeopathic remedies, combined with Bioresonance treatment. After about 5-6 treatments, I felt much better. I no longer sneeze throughout the day and my nose is not drippy. **

Bryan Loh, 8 years old (Testimony from mother Yvonne Toh)

Bryan had been suffering from nose problems since he was 6. He was on Zyrtec and nasal decongestion spray every single day. He struggles to breathe especially at night, and this is apparent he snores loudly when he sleeps. He would wake up tired, complained of headaches during the day due to poor quality of sleep. He also has red, cracked lips around his mouth. We were introduced to Bioresonance Therapy by our sister, and about 5 sessions later, Bryan’s no longer snores at night and his cracked lips healed. I’m happy that he is now completely off medications and nasal sprays. **

38 year old male, Engineer.

I used to wake up in the morning with a drippy nose. It was terrible as I would spent at least half an hour every morning managing this “leaky” problem It was not only annoying, it zaps my energy level as well. I have dark rings around my eyes and I look and feel perpetually tired. I was introduced to Healing Resonance with by my brother in-law who was a patient there. After 3 therapy sessions combined with nutritional therapy, my “leaky” problem stopped completely. The biggest difference was my energy level! I no longer needed 3 cups of coffee a day to stay awake. I’ve never felt as good for a long time. **


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