Aches & Pains

** These are the experiences of individuals, your results may vary.


Bioresonance Therapy has helped people relieve their pains naturally.

Sally, 60, leg pain.

A few months ago, I had suddenly developed severe pain on my left leg. It would come suddenly, whilst I was walking, or sitting, or sleeping. It occurs randomly, with or without movement. One night the pain was so intense that I had to be sent to the A&E, as no amount of painkillers helped. Docs did the scan, said I have mild arthritis on my knee, but it shouldn’t cause the pain to be so intense, especially when there was no obvious aggravation. My doc had advised me to continue with strong painkillers, and consider knee replacement. My niece had recommended me to see the therapist at Healing Resonance. The therapist told me that my pain was more than just a structural problem; after doing some test, she found that my meridian along the site of the pain was “blocked”. Much like acupuncture (but without the needles), she helped me unblocked the meridian point. It was very painful during therapy, but the amazing thing was, I was completely pain free that night of the therapy. After about 5-6 sessions, my pain completely disappeared. It had saved me from potential knee replacement surgery! **

Mr. Yee, 50’s, cramps on fingers

I was introduced by my sister to Healing Resonance. My left hand would cramp up every time I had close my grip to hold something, such carrying groceries, holding a bag…etc. I simply could not use my left hand properly. This condition had bothered me for many, many years. Somehow, after starting the treatment, I started to sleep better, my energy level improved and best of all, my fingers no longer “locks” every time I tighten my grip to hold things. Felt like someone had put the right lubricant to a rusty joint! I have now regained full use of my left arm. **


Elizabeth Rajoo, 78, Joint and abdominal problems

For the last 50 years, I had suffered from abdominal discomfort, since the removal of my gallbladder. I would feel abdominal pain and discomfort after every meal. I tried taking supplements, but none would agree with my stomach. I also suffered from joint pains on my shoulders and hips. Over the years, it had gotten so painful that even simple household chores were dreadful. I could not even carry my handbag on my shoulder. 

I was introduced to Bioresonance Therapy in 2009 by my niece. After my first treatment, I felt exhausted and slept all day that day. The therapist explained that this was normal, as my body was undergoing “healing crisis” and my body was adapting to the new harmonious frequencies. I was assured that I would get past this healing phase very quickly if I drank enough water to assist the body in the detoxification process. A few weeks went by and I could feel my body heal, as my past symptoms slowly disappeared. 

Now I’m able to mop the floor for the first time in so many years, without wincing in pain. I’m happy to announce that I have regained my health, and my freedom to eat without stomach discomfort, to move freely without pain! **


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