
** These are the experiences of individuals, your results may vary.


Migraines can be triggered by many factors –
Heat, Hormonal changes, Food allergies etc.

Cindy, 24 years old

I suffered from migraines and bone pains since teen hood. The migraines come every 2-3 times a week; sometimes mild, but sometimes it’ll be so severe that I would throw up. I often rely on painkillers to help me cope. I have gone for scans (CT scans, blood tests and the works) but doctors couldn’t find anything wrong with me, except to assume that I’m stressed out, but I’m not. And also, there’s pain in my bones, which is runs along my thigh bone. Had that checked out by the docs too, but they can’t find anything physically wrong with me. I was beginning to think that suffering from pain as a reality which I have to accept as part of life, as my brother suffers from it too. It was after my brother tried the treatment at Healing Resonance and got rid off his migraine that I was convinced that it may work for me too. So armed with hope, I went to see Jovie as well. After my 1st treatment, the bone pain and migraine got worse, and I felt so tired and wanted to just sleep and sleep. Jovie had warned me about “healing crises” – whatever chronic ailments which you are currently suffering from, will worsen after therapy, but it wont last very long. With the exception of the initial 2 weeks, I began to feel a lot better as weeks went by. Today, I’m finally free from pain, as my migraine and bone pains are completely gone. **

Pre-Menstrual Migraine


Pre-menstrual migraine had been very much part of my life – from the time as a student, and till now, after 2 kids, and well into my 40’s. I’ve accepted it as “part of life” till I menopause. I decided to try Bioresonance Therapy after my son got well from the treatment. He was suffering from migraine as well, but his migraine was triggered by heat. To my surprise, I feel more energized and I sleep better at night. The pre-menstrual migraine is gone too! **

Food Intolerance Headaches

Siti, 43 years old

I used to get headaches about 3 times a week, and I had been overweight. During my consultation at Healing Resonance, I was advised to stay from several types of food based on the test results. I was very disciplined and followed the advice of the therapist and attend weekly therapy sessions at the center. After 4 months, I’ve shed a total of 12 kilos, and my headaches are gone. I’ve learnt so much about my body during the course of the therapy and the knowledge had empowered me to make better choices when it comes to food. **


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