
** These are the experiences of individuals, your results may vary.


It is common to get insomnia every now and then due to ailments, stimulants such as too much caffeine, stress and anxiety. However, if it is prolonged, it may cause other health issues. Insomnia can be categorised as inability to fall asleep, and/or stay asleep.

Mr.Peh, 65 years old

I used to smoke and drink a lot in my younger days. I suppose all these unhealthy lifestyles had taken a toll on my body. I’ve developed insomnia about 10 years ago. On “good” nights, I will be able to fall asleep, but I would wake again at 1-2am and couldn’t sleep after. And when it gets bad, I wouldn’t be able to fall asleep at all. There will be at least 2-3 days in a week where this happens. I feel tired all the time, and have poor appetite. I do my health checks regularly and there’s nothing serious about my health other than high blood pressure, which is under controlled by medication. Upon a colleague’s recommendation, I decided to take up a package and try the treatment. The therapist had quickly pointed out that I had a “over-stressed” liver and stomach, and the inability to sleep had worsened the condition. After just 2 treatments, I found myself falling asleep quicker, and was able to stay asleep till morning. I felt like a new person. Now after 10 treatments, I no longer suffer from restless sleep. **

Mdm. Loh, 58 years old

My insomnia started after menopause. The constant interrupted sleep was making me tired and irritable. I would suddenly wake out of the blue and couldn’t sleep after. I would start going to bed at 10pm, and would wake again at 12am, 2am, 4am and then finally waking at 7am to start my day. The worst thing is that I can’t sleep in the afternoon too. It feels like my body just doesn’t need any sleep, but I’m tired and have low energy. After starting with Healing Resonance, I get a much restful sleep and I can sleep through the night, without intermittent waking. I feel fresh during the day and could continue with my day. So thankful to my church friend who introduced me to Bioresonance Treatment. **


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