Hormonal Imbalances

** These are the experiences of individuals, your results may vary.


Bioresonance therapy helps women cope with symptoms associated with hormonal changes in their bodies at different points in life – from menstrual pains for younger women, to pre-menopausal discomfort for older ladies.

Monthly Menstrual Pain

Elaine, 28 years old

I have been on birth control pills since I was 14 years old, and it was prescribed to me because my menstrual pain can be so bad that I would need to be hospitalised. I’ve tried weaning off the pills several times but I would end up in the hospital by the 3rd month once I stopped the pills. I recently got married, and would like to start a family. But how could I get pregnant if I’m on birth control pills? My mother’s friend introduced me to Healing Resonance upon knowing my condition. I thought I’d give it a ago, since there’s nothing more that could help me. Since I started Bioresonance  therapy, I’ve stopped taking the pill. Usually by the 3rd month of weaning from the pill, I would suffer debilitating pain. But surprisingly, it was much more bearable and I didn’t need any painkillers either! Out of the scale of 1-10 with 10 being the worst, my menstrual pain is now at level 2 or 3 consistently for many months now, and I’m really happy that I don’t need any drugs to help me cope during my period. **

Alina, 43 years old

10 years ago, I suffered from terrible irritable bowel syndrome and I went to see Jovie for treatment. I got much better and stopped treatment and I have been generally well ever since. Now, 10 years on, I developed a separate problem – I started getting my period every 2 weeks. After scans and blood test, my gynae couldn’t find anything wrong, but she suggested that I go on birth control pills to regulate my menstrual cycle. I have tried taking the pills before and it had given me terrible side-effects, hence I was not keen to go on it again. I’ve decided to give Bioresonance therapy another try, hoping it’ll work as it did for my irritable bowel. And it did! My body seemed to respond very well to the treatment and in a matter of a few treatments, my menstrual cycle went back to normal. So glad that I’ve decided to try Bioresonance Therapy again, instead of going on the pill. **

Pre-Menopausal Hot Flushes

Pauline, 49 years old

I’m in my late 40’s and have been suffering from bad hot flushes. I needed to wake up every 2 hours in the middle of the night to take a cold shower, otherwise it would just be impossible to sleep at all. The worst feeling is that I could feel the heat radiating internally, but yet I can’t sweat. It almost felt like I was having a fever, except I’m not! This was a nightly affair, and it was taking a tow on me as I would wake up feeling exhausted due to the interrupted sleep. It was such a nightmare. A friend had asked me to try Bioresonance Therapy at Healing Resonance. After several weeks of therapy, I felt much, much better. I no longer need to take multiple cold showers at night, and I could sweat during the day which helps me cool my body temperature. I’m so glad I tried the therapy. **

Mee Ling, 51 years old

I was a corporate executive who had to do presentations often at big corporate meetings. The hot flushes hit me hard as I approached my 50’s. I would be sweating profusely in a cold meeting room, to the point that my blouse got wet. It was utterly embarrassing, as I’d be wiping beads of sweat dripping down my forehead, whilst everyone else was wrapped up in their jackets. After I started treatment with at Healing Resonance, I stopped sweating profusely, and if the hot flushes comes, it is extremely mild and goes away very quickly. **


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